Allows 100% Feel of Your Rope

Once customized to fit your thumb, the Bulldog Thumb Protector provides a barrier between your thumb, the rope and the saddle horn to increase the margin of thumb safety when dallying.

Fitting is easy. Just boil in hot water to soften and mold perfectly to the shape of your thumb!

How It Works

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does This Protect My Thumb?

The Bulldog Thumb Protector provides a barrier between your thumb, the rope and the saddle horn to increase the margin of thumb safety when dallying.

How Do I Know What Size I Need?

Unless you are a child or have an exceptionally small/large thumb, most adults will fit in a size medium. However, it is always better to get it too big as it can be trimmed down in the molding process.

Will This Affect My Ability to Rope?

Absolutely not! The Bulldog Thumb Protector allows for 100% feel of your rope when molded to your thumb correctly.

How Do I Fit the Bulldog to My Thumb?

Fitting is easy. Just boil in hot water to soften and mold perfectly to the shape of your thumb! Once softened, you can also trim and shape up the edges for comfort or if it feels a little too big.

What Ages is This Appropriate For?

We recommend using the Bulldog Thumb Protector as soon as you are old enough to pick up a rope. We carry size small for children all the way up to size Large.

What Kind of Glove Do I Need to Use With the Bulldog?

No need to change your glove - you won't even know its there! We've seen people use the Bulldog Thumb Protector with cotton and leather roping gloves.

Wesley Thorp Backs the Bulldog!

  • "I'll Never Run Another Steer Without One"

    "I was reluctant to try it at first, due to the fact that I did not know how it would affect the feel of my rope in my hand. Once I had one fitted to my thumb, and I actually swung a rope and begin to practice with it and then roped at a jackpot, I was convinced that I would never run another steer without one. Why would you? You should give one a legitimate try, and you will be convinced as I was."

    - Todd Mathews

  • "Didn't Even Have a Scratch on My Thumb"

    "Here’s the glove with the thumb protector inside. It melted my glove to the thumb protector and I didn’t have a scratch on my thumb!

    - Charles Dildy

  • "An Essential Part of My Son's Roping Gear"

    "The Bulldog Thumb Protector has been an essential part of my son's roping gear for the past two years. From the moment he started using it, we've seen its incredible protective power firsthand. It's so reliable that we recently ordered a spare to ensure he's always covered. Plus, the fact that he hardly notices it's there speaks volumes about its comfort and fit. Molded perfectly to his thumb, it's become second nature for him to wear, giving us peace of mind every time he ropes. Thank you, Bulldog, for keeping my son safe and focused on what he loves most!"

    - Angela Maynord

Innovative Product Offers Simple Solution to Common Injury in Team Roping

Many ropers can recall a time when they weren’t sure if they would leave the arena with as many digits as they entered with. What if there was a product that could decrease the chance of an incident? Could the fear of losing a thumb be what’s holding you back?


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